Lately, I've been crossing the lines many times. Sometimes, I think that the moment of truth is scary before actually getting into it, but once that time has passed, you either feel regretful or completely forget about it.
It makes me wonder that what the hell am I doing right now. Fooling around just because I can? or is it that I am just tired of the current status. It's a question that I need to ask myself.
何雁詩 撲火
霧裡花 捉不到因此美麗
快樂如泡影 觸碰會盡逝
雪正燒 當火舌蔓延光輝
世上最短的夏季 最小的樓蟻
難道我 能讓愛漫漫遺留盛世
曇花開過 也算燦爛過
從人間天國 與你暢遊過
偏偏像燈蛾 經得消磨
如流星閃過 你要記住我
如洪水湧過 隔世註定的錯
前塵燃亮過 一剎烈火
你髮膚傷透 流淚的是我
伴你走 不需要呼出約誓
痛在眉宇間 終也會漸逝
雪正燒 當火舌蔓延燒燬
愛在美好的前世 勇敢的來世
憑著我 成就愛 動盪全無忌諱
曇花開過 也算燦爛過
從人間天國 與你暢遊過
偏偏像燈蛾 經得消磨
如流星閃過 你要記住我
如洪水湧過 隔世註定的錯
流言傳頌過 一闕情歌
你巳經傷透 還未想恨我
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